Wednesday, June 10, 2009

'Condom Cards' Given to Youth to Combat Teen Pregnancy

As reported on Saturday, June 06, 2009 in The Sunday Times

Boys as young as 12 are to be issued with condom "credit cards" allowing them to pick up free contraception at football grounds, barber’s shops and scout huts.
Condoms will be distributed at places where boys congregate, to spare them the embarrassment of visiting sexual health clinics or GPs’ surgeries or facing a shop assistant at a pharmacist's counter.
They will be able to collect the condoms by showing a plastic card issued to them after they have attended a safe-sex lesson, according to new government guidance. Boys who take advantage of the scheme will not have to give their names or answer questions about their sex lives. The scheme is intended to cut teenage pregnancies and persuade boys to take greater responsibility for contraception.
Boys who attend additional talks about sexually transmitted diseases will get a stamp on their card, which those running the scheme hope will become a status symbol.
Simon Blake, chief executive of Brook, said the C-card would make condom use “an everyday reality”.
He said the new government guidance would be designed to make boys more confident about using contraception and asking for advice on sex.

Editor Rozek’s Note: “Mommy, will you drive to pick up my condoms? I can’t wait til I’m old enough to get my driver’s license in 4 years!” I can hear the dinner conversation with the family now:
Mother: What did you do today honey?
Boy: I got an std stamp on my C-card!
Mother’s Live-in boyfriend: We are really proud of you.
Boy: I don’t care what you think! You’re not my father!

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