Thursday, May 21, 2009

Woman in Swimsuit Arrested after Chase...

Today in the news...
“A 50-mile, high-speed chase ended in Sacramento, Calif., Monday when a swimsuit-clad and barefoot driver surrendered to police. The woman, Annette Hurd, was allegedly fleeing the scene of a hit-and-run accident in Rio Vista in her red GEO Tracker. "I wasn't worried about me, I was worried about losing my dog," Hurd said she was a "little bit" intoxicated and tired after swimming all day and was worried that her small dog would be taken from her if she was arrested after the accident. She led the police on a chase at speeds topping 100 mph. Police used spike strips to destroy Hurd's tires, but finally managed to stop her when they used a patrol car to hit her vehicle."

...Editor Rozek’s Note:…Oh my! Well…This is truly an issue that faces society today. How can people be expected to drive the speed limit if policemen keep racing after them in hopes of capturing their dogs? I was drinking my face off and swimming one day (cause they always told me that I have to wait at least a half hour to go into the water after eating…they never mentioned alcohol), and upon scooping up my dog and putting her in the car, I had forgotten to put on my pants and shoes. Of course… I accidentally ran over something on the way! I just told you I was drunk! Duh!… Besides…what was that little old lady doing on the sidewalk anyway? It had been a really long day of recreational activity and I shouldn’t be expected to be clear of mind while this crazy Officer “Wicked Witch of the West” was tying to steal Toto! I’m pleading not guilty and requesting a supporting deposition from all the people at the pool, on the street, and the people who watched those darn law enforcement officers ruin my tires! I’ll show them how stupid they all look! Geez…

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